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Open Banking in Nigeria: Boosting Financial Access for MSMEs - unsplash img

Open Banking in Nigeria: Boosting Financial Access for MSMEs

How open banking in Nigeria will Increase Financial Access for MSMEs

The future of Lendsqr depends on open banking

Open banking enables financial service providers and users to access real-time comprehensive data and insights, allowing them to make informed financial decisions. A major use …

The potential impact of open banking on the growth of fintech in Africa.

Open banking is an evolving concept in Nigeria which is yet to be operational for African countries as of Q1 2023. However, it has the …

Authentication and authorization over “dumb” channels for open banking

In Nigeria, incorporating FAPI with feature phones and channels not driven by internet has been a big concern, but OBN now has the answer. Read all about it on our latest blog post

How Open Banking will help businesses with money management

A major challenge experienced by both SMEs, MSMEs and large businesses is determining how best to manage their money gotten from sales or other operations.   …

5 Innovative Ideas that Open banking will support

by Victor Aboh Have you ever thought to yourself, “if only I could get this piece of data from a certain financial institution, I would …

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